We went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for breakfast and to open more gifts! I had a long night so I fell asleep while everyone opened their gifts! Daddy ended up opening all my gifts! I was so surprised when I woke up!!
We got all of the Santa gifts out very early on Christmas morning for Aiden to see. He had one gift he had to unwrap the others were just out for him to see. He seemed very excited to see all his new gifts!!
Aiden decided he wanted to change the channel so he reached and reached until he got his hands on the remote. Once he had it, he fell asleep. I guess he was so exhausted from all the hard work!
Aiden is 5 months old! He has learned to sit up, roll over from his tummy to his back, and his first tooth has pushed through! He gets bigger and bigger everyday!
Aiden finally learned to roll from his tummy to his back without assistance. This took him awhile to get since he hates being on his tummy so much! He has it down now!
Aiden is now sitting up without assistance. He can stay in a sitting position for a long time, but he does lose his balance and fall over. He can't pull himself back up yet, but he is really trying!