Aiden took his first steps. He is well on his way to walking! He still likes to crawl and I think he gets a little annoyed with us when we try to make him walk over and over!
Aiden figured out how to open the cabinets one day while I was cleaning up the kitchen. He really liked opening and closing the door. He also found many new things he could chew on.
Aiden loves to play with Bagwell. Bagwell is still a little unsure about Aiden, but he tolerates him. Bagwell does give Aiden the ball and Aiden tries to throw it!
Aiden is 9 months old. He now weighs 21.5 lbs and is 29.5 in. long. He is getting so big! He talks a lot! It sounds a lot like Blah Blah Blah! He is moving all over the place and I think he is going to be walking soon!
We took Aiden to the park for the first time. He liked going down the slide and swinging. We even took a little walk on the trails. It was a beautiful day and we all had a great time!
Aiden really enjoys playing with anything that is not one of his toys. He will play with the coasters, water bottles, packages, boxes, picture frames, etc. If it is not a toy he wants it even if he is not suppose to have it!
Aiden loves to turn the pages in his books and look at the pictures. He will find his book and just sit there and look and look and look. It is awesome!