Aiden has been getting into the cabinets by the TV. He likes to take out the video games and controllers and play with them. Jeremy does not like this so he decided to baby proof those cabinets. I think Aiden was a little sad!
Aiden had his surgery today. He did a very good job! Everything went very well and he is up and playing like nothing has happened! I know I am the crazy mom who takes pictures of her child after surgery, sorry I like to document everything!
We celebrated Aiden's first birthday today! We had everyone over for food, presents, cake, and ice cream. Aiden had a great time! Thank you to all our friends and family!
Aiden is 1 year old today! It is so hard to believe a year has gone by. It is amazing how he has changed during the time. We cannot wait to see how he changes this year! (This is the first star Aiden tore in half while I was taking his pictures!)
Jeremy and I bought Aiden a slide for his birthday! He really likes to stand at the top and look around. He also likes to slide his cars down the slide. One day I am sure he will realize we didn't buy the slide for his cars! We put the slide together early so we could get rid of the box before his party!!